Kamis, 20 November 2014

Information of MEP Contractor Indonesia

Information of MEP Contractor Indonesia - As the electrical technician, there are some jobs or fields need your ability because not everyone knows about mechanical, electrical, and even plumbing. Yet, it is different with an electrical technician that have learned about Mechanical Electrical Plumbing, they are certainly know how to install the plumbing system, know how to make the safe piping system, and so forth. For you who have interest in Mechanical Electrical Plumbing or usually abbreviated as MEP, then you want to be the one of MEP contractor Indonesia, there are some review of MEP contractor Indonesia, includes its responsibilities and the example of the MEP contractor’s job.
Responsibilities of MEP Contractor Indonesia
There are some responsibilities as the MEP contractor Indonesia. For first responsibility, you are demanded to do the entire of MEP’s jobs in field as the plan, such as install the plumbing system, install the piping system, install the venting system, and so forth. As the MEP contractor, you should be ready to work in a team. Moreover, you and your team have to make the job project plan at least one week later. Review schedule is important for the MEP contractor, because make sure the entire jobs is beneficial to avoid some mistakes. After MEP contractor finish the job, it cannot leave it just like that, the contractor needs to make the job progress report, so it can ease the contractor to checking.
One of MEP Contractor Indonesia Jobs
One of MEP contractor’s jobs is install the water supply system. Water supply system includes the provision of clean water itself, and also the distribution. This system involves a clean water source, water storage system, such as water tank, ground tank, and roof tank, and then the transfer pump & distribution. The installation that is made by MEP contractor Indonesia will be connected with the clean water sources, it can be from PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum) or derived from the Deep Well. Water storage systems can be divided into two parts; they are the raw water tank and the clean water tank. The good water inside clean water tank is flowed into the roof tank with a transfer pump. MEP contractor Indonesia has to know that the clean water distribution into the top 2 floors has to use the packaged booster pump and for the underneath floors, the MEP contractor can set up the water flow use the gravity system. That’s all about MEP contractor’s responsibility and one example about its job, hope it can be useful, either for knowledge, information, or even as the reference.

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